Saturday, August 30, 2014

Losing hope...Look up!

Good morning all-

This morning I woke up to the sun rising behind a beautiful white fog.  I could smell the sweetness of the rose bushes and hear the crickets and the birds singing.  It was like a choir singing unto the throne of God.  I could imagine majesty by the sight before me and I sighed in wonder and in awe of God's greatness and beauty.

That small scene was filled with more beauty than I can even describe and when things are dark there is always light somewhere.  I find much comfort in that scene and in the day ahead.  It is time for us to see beauty, majesty and pure awe of God and all He is.

Majesty is a wonderful and colorful word.  It brings about greatness just like the love and hope of Jesus.  He is why we breathe, why we are here on this earth during this very time and why I'm writing this very blog.  He is everything good and true.

Have you ever thought about why Jesus was born when He was?  Have you ever wondered why you were born when you were?  It was for this moment, for this day and for the love of Christ to be continued through you.  You are special and no matter the difficulties you have in your life, you are His, 100% and He loves you.

Don't lose faith or hope.  Our God lives today in each of us.  He hears our cries and He gives us signs of his wonder through every sense we have.  We can hear Him in the song of a bird or in the cricket and is it sings.  We can smell Him through the flowers and we can see Him in the rise of our sun.  He is everything and all to us that know Him.  If you're down today, look up.  If you are struggling with your faith, walk outside and look up.  If you are contemplating the dark and its endlessness, walk outside and watch the sun come up to the East.  He is present and He is calling.  Let Him be with you as you walk with Him today!

Be well my sisters and whenever possible look around at what He created and then go to the mirror and see the beauty He created, the person He loves and the reason He sacrificed His own life.  He is our King, our Heart and our Creator.  We are blessed!

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. 
(‭Psalm‬ ‭33‬:‭20‬ NIV)

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; (‭Lamentations‬ ‭3‬:‭25‬ NIV)

My prayer today:

O, Lord, my only prayer today is that I may hope in You all my days and that many will find You through my witness and Your divine intervention.  May all gain hope through You.  I pray we look and seek You daily and repent when we know we have sinned.  Take our sins and forgive us and give us hope for this moment and for each day as we look at the splendor You have provided for us to witness.  In Jesus Name, AMEN

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