Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18, 2012

Last night my husband and I went for a walk.  It was a wonderful night in Kansas.  We had a slight breeze coming from the North, the birds were singing and the animals were scampering.  It was just great.  The air is lighter and the people are much happier.  It's like a huge weight came off of everyone's shoulders the minute the temperatures dropped.  You know when a huge burden falls off your shoulders, there's just a relief in you that's hard to describe.  That's what I'm seeing in Kansas, relief.

Relief comes in many different forms, imagine the children and mothers in Africa when food arrives or a water well is dug.  Imagine the faces of children dancing in the street for a cracker.  Imagine the smile on a mother's face because today she can feed her child.  Imagine people praising God for the food they were given which is probably what we throw out in a day.  For a morsel, a mother in Africa would praise God because that means her baby can eat today.  For her, the burden of hunger is gone for just one day.  Can you imagine it?

Who shoulders our burdens?  Do you let circumstances pile up on you so that the burden is too great?  Do you step back and look at the situation and ask God to intervene or do you continue to burden yourself until your shoulders are heavy?  Some burdens are great.  For instance, the hunger in Africa, child trafficking, abuse, neglect, homelessness and helplessness.  These burdens are great but there's a solution.  First of all, God gave us hands and feet.  Second, for some he gave an abundance of money and thirdly, we have Him.  I'm not saying God will eliminate every burden on this earth, actually, He won't.  We know that because it talks about the end times, of war, famine, and devastation.  It speaks to a world in chaos and it tells the story of great hope.  The hope that our Savior will return.

We will always have things in our lives that we believe to be burdens or great challenges. I doubt any parent on this earth hasn't faced the challenge of teenagers, worrying about the rent, or how to put food on the table.  We have a childhood so that when problems like these occur we can deal with the issues.  No one skates by and if you think someone does, look around, you'll see that people are worse off than you, that's a promise.  I know that I'm blessed and I thank God everyday.  I know what it's like to wonder how I'm going to feed my baby, where the next rent check will come from, or if I will have enough money to pay a doctor bill for my child to be seen.  I lived it and I know.  I scraped pennies together just to get formula and I worked nights so that I could help contribute to our household.  It wasn't easy but it taught me that some of my burdens have solutions and all of my burdens go to Jesus!

There isn't one thing that I have that's mine, including my husband, children or  my possessions.  All things belong to Jesus.  There isn't a problem He couldn't solve for me and that's a fact.  However, like all things in this world, I must believe He can change them, seek Him for answers and give it to Him to solve.  Of course, I have a part in it.  It could be that He wants me to change jobs, stay home, travel the world, or stand still.  I never know what Jesus will do but I do know one thing, Jesus has a purpose in my life and in all my circumstances.  I grow when I acknowledge that I don't have all the answers but He does.

If you feel like the burden of the world is on your shoulders, Google Africa.  That's a huge burden right now.  So far away but so close to home.  Every country in the world is facing the challenge of feeding starving people, even in Kansas there is a growing population of starving people.  I'm not saying your burden isn't great.  I'm just asking you to look at how God is taking care of countries like Africa.  He knows the burdens of this world and He knows yours.  Give them to Him, let Him lead the way and if you're struggling with purpose, I suggest you get out of yourself and find someone that needs encouragement, service, or just an ear.  We all need someone to care about us and the best way I know to get out of my own way is to care for one of God's people.

I pray today that you find your purpose, that your burden is light and that on every corner, you see Jesus.  He's near, I promise you that.  He loves you, that's a fact and for today, He will help you one step at a time.  Your problems may not be solved today but I guarantee someday you will look back and say, "Jesus took my burdens and I am so grateful He did!"  May God bless you and keep you today and as always I'm praying for you.

Psalm 55:22 NKJV:

    Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; 
    He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

My prayer today:

O, Lord, I pray for those that have great burdens today.  You know who they are.  They are scattered from the East to the West and You call them by name.  They are Your children and You love them.  So today, I call upon You, Lord, to help those individuals in need.  Give them a purpose to move forward, grant them serenity and peace.  Give them someone that will encourage them and comfort them and help them to see that when they come before You, You're there.  I know that not everyone gets all the food they need, or the possessions they want.  To each child there is a different journey.  My prayer is that the women that read this blog would know what it's like to have relief in their life.  Your power is what I seek, Your presence is all I need, Your love is my reward.  Please put women on my heart that need You, Lord, bring them forth, from every nation so that they can hear what You've done for my life.  You are my God, You are theres, and together we are Your bride.  Help us to be women that cast our burdens to You.  I know in my heart that You can take the burdens off our shoulders.  But I realize that it must be Your will and not ours, so for today, I pray that our will aligns with Yours and that we see You in everything we do today.  You are the air we breath.  Be with us today as we forge through this life.  Give us purpose and a passion for You.  In Jesus name, AMEN

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