Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 13, 2012

Good morning all-

I'm getting ready for my trek through Western Kansas so I will have to write this evening.  Time is flying by and soon we will be to Christmas.  I am going to start a series on Thanksgiving for the next couple of weeks.  Giving thanks to our King is what we should do everyday.  In order to survive, many cultures and people groups have gone to God with thanks and petition.  I think we should do the same. We think life has changed so much and with technology it has. We are a watered down people.  We need to get back to our roots, to the people that understood that everything came from God and be faithful to the call.

You will notice a pattern getting toward Christmas because by the time I end the year; I want us all to be singing to the Lord of light.  I want us to be bold for the gospel and to constantly remember that Christ was a gift given to all.  Life has challenges and I know that more than anyone but in those moments of great challenge, Christ is there.  I may be weak but He is strong.  I might be sinful but He is blameless.  And I might not trust but He is so trustworthy.  These are the things I want us to meditate on in the coming weeks.  Presents and children are all part of the season.  To watch a child's eyes light up is spectacular but the reason for the season must be imprinted on our hearts and minds.

I need this as much as you.  I lost both of my parents in December.  I lost my mom three days before my birthday and I lost my dad 20 days before.  They died during the season I love.  I guess that could be depressing if I let it be but I choose to remember that Jesus is all I need and I celebrate Him during December.  He lost His life for me and deserves my entire attention.

Be well my sisters and I will finish this with a fighter verse tonight.  Scripture is our peace, our prosperity and our key to showing the world that Christ died for them.  We are chosen and we must continue to fight the good fight.  I'm praying that God will continue to bless this blog and me as I write for Him.  I'm not worthy but my love for Him I can't deny.

Be mighty warriors today and find a verse that stimulates the spirit and intrigues the heart.  And if you don't have time, I'll be back on tonight to give you one.  Many blessings.

Until tomorrow...

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