Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014

Good morning my sisters-

I woke up this morning purposely so I could write this morning.  My coffee is perking and I've already dressed, turned on my curling iron and drank my first cup of coffee.  I just love the morning and all the energy I feel, don't you?  Well, maybe your a night person but even then you know exactly what I mean.

In a few days my husband will turn fifty.  It seems crazy to me that we have been together for over 24 years.  It isn't always easy but I'm glad we have made it this far.  Approaching fifty is hard for men.  They see their virility as diminishing and the looks they once got aren't the same.  Not that my husband is the kind of man that wants that but let's be real we all want to feel appreciated and attractive.  He's one of the lucky ones.  He still has all his hair, he's in better condition than ever and he looks much younger than his age and yet, his chronological age will be fifty.

Should we put stock in a number?  I don't think so.  I think it's what we do with every year that truly matters.  There is so much God has for us with the short time we are here on earth.  Their are people to love, children to care for and generations to teach that Jesus is real.  We are on a journey and whether your eight or fifty, you have an important part to play on this earth.

In the last couple of years, I have watched how men are being destroyed.  Some through war but some from their apathy and their own mind.  Men are not as strong as they once were.  Once they hunted and took care of the land. They provided for their families or those families perished.  They led their women and children.  They were men you would follow because you knew they could lead.  Today, the roles are reversing and I think with it has come a great confusion.  What does it mean to be a man?  Since I'm not one I'm not sure I really know but I had a great role  model in my father.  And to this day, I can read the Bible and see what it meant to be a man in Jesus' day and how one man led thousands.

We all are imperfect creatures.  But something is happening to the inner faith and strength our men once carried.  We must pray for our men and know that when they fall we must be faithful to pray for them and ask God to be near.  Abraham had Sara and often he listened to her.  Not everything she counseled him in was correct but their partnership carries the weight of all generations.  A child that would lead to Jesus.  A heritage of one man that believed God, trusted Him and walked with Him.  We may not be able to take the veil off our men or even save them from theirselves but we can intercede and ask God to give our men strength, comfort and a heart to lead.

I have carried many burdens in my life and this is probably the one that I carry daily.  My heart for the common man who suffers from depression.  I have watched it tear families apart, through alcohol, suicide, anger and adultery.  We as woman can fight but we must be willing to be on our knees.  None of these things are going to go away but we are fighting not just for our spouses and boyfriends, we are fighting for our sons and their sons.

I know what I'm talking about because I live with someone that suffers from depression.  It's real and its spiritual.  Beyond all things, I believe that in my heart.  Only God can deliver us from it.  I truly believe that, whether through medication, therapy or seeking Him, it all comes down to being on our knees and asking for deliverance.  Even King David suffered from it because you can read it in the Psalms.  He called to God and over time God delivered him.  We must play a role in this spiritual battle and fight with everything we have.  Prayer is powerful and only through wisdom and seeking Christ will we find our answers.  The Gospel is the way for all of us to find Christ.  Please pray that the veil of silence, depression and sin would be washed away by the power of the Holy Spirit, not just for men but for all of us.

“ ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ (Acts 2:17-21 NIV)

My prayer today:

O, my Soveriegn King unveil the truth to women and men all throughout this globe. Wash away our sin and put the Gospel on the hearts of all men.  Give us as women fortitude and strength to pray for our weary men and put perseverance in the heart of women everywhere.  We are seeking our Savior to hold onto those that you knew in the womb.  Reverse the tide and guide men unto You.  Give them strength, endurance and a heart to follow You all their days.  May the women that read this blog fight with me for today, tomorrow and for all future generations.  There is no greater warrior than You. Today, I take the shield of righteousness and pray that our men will seek You and that their decisions to trust in You will bring about a revival through all generations.  I find my trust in You.  I declare that every good thing that happens comes from You and I believe that You will lead men and deliver them.  In Jesus Name, Amen

Until tomorrow.....

Be blessed.  I have to go now.

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