Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014

Good morning all-

I have promised myself that I will write even if I only have 15 minutes and that's exactly what I have today.  Yesterday, I wrote about the word that came to my cousin on my behalf.  The word anchor has been roaming in my mind ever since I opened up that card.  All through the Christmas season I thought about how much God had been an anchor in my life and how grateful I was for Him.  It got me to thinking about when I waver though and that brings me today's message.

I don't know about you but there have been times in my life that I sway like a beautiful wheat field in the spring.  Maybe you haven't seen one so I will try to describe the beauty.  For miles and miles as the wheat grows and the sun hits hit, it will become like a carpet of golden.  You can see if from the road as you pass by the farm lands of Kansas and to an inexperienced eye you might not even see it wave.  It does.  The winds in Kansas are as strong as any.  There is nothing to stop it, very little tree life and more farmland than anything else.  As I would drive to my sales locations, I would always look toward the fields.  They told me the wind spead and the direction.  It was magnificent.  What I noticed the most was how much it swayed.  Like a glistening carpet of gold, the stocks of wheat would flow together as one.  They were to weak to stay still.  That's me.  Too weak to stay still.  I always want to control everything but then in the moments that aren't controllable, I feel myself ever so slightly swaying with the winds of life.

I don't do it often but when I'm in deep spiritual battle it can and does happen.  I'm sorry to alway have to admit my faults but that's just the way my life is.  And then, without a doubt I get a word either from my own reading or from someone else.  It's so beautiful I can't even tell you.  Those words tend to stick with me through my trial and when I look back I always see God's hand.

I am not a wishy washy person by nature so I don't sway often but when I do, it takes me time to right myself.  Often, it just takes time with Jesus and I can get back up again.  Each time I promise myself it won't happen again but then, it does and I have to get myself right before I can move on.  I know it and I guess that's why I loved the word that came so innocently from my cousin.  She had no idea the trials I was facing and yet she boldly stated what God had shared with her.  I love her even more for it.

We never know when someone in our lives will be used to help us in our walk.  We just are glad when they do!  AMEN!  My cousin sent me my birthday card with the following scripture engraved on the front and when I read it I knew exactly what God wanted me to do.  He wanted me to be still and know who He is.  When I'm swaying like the wheat, I forget to be still.  My mind is not in the right place and my heart, forget it.  Its wishy washy anyway.  So today, I will leave you with the beautiful scripture that was given to me and with it I hope God penetrates your heart as He has done to mine.  May God bless you and keep you today my sisters and know that wherever you live, He is near.

Psalm 46:10 NIV

     He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Be prepared to exalt Him today and share a good word with anyone that comes to mind.  My cousin had no idea the impact those words would have on my life and yet, they so have.

My prayer today-

O, Lord Jesus, multiply my time here on earth and help me be still and know You are God.  All over the world women are seeking You will all their hearts.  Please fill us with wisdom, understanding and compassion for those that don't know You and those that are struggling to be still.  We are faulty by nature.  Be with us today as we head to work, raise our children and proclaim Your name.  In Jesus Name, AMEN.

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