Friday, January 31, 2014

Why do we need faithful sisters?

Good morning all-

I woke up this morning singing to Jesus.  I love when a song is running in my head and as I brush my hair I realize I'm humming it.  Today I was humming the lyrics and a thought popped into my head, Jesus gave his life freely for you and me.  Often when life gets into chaos, we forget this one important fact.  Jesus is real, He is here and He knows our sorrows and our joys.  Knowing that is one thing but He can't touch us or talk to us, audibly at least.  So what do we have that can?  People can.  Sisters in arms, full of the Holy Spirit, walking and talking with Him and knowing what it means to be an army of one can embrace us.

My sister-in-law has been that for me.  She has hugged me, encouraged me and reminded me that although my parents are gone I have someone that will shoulder my burdens and pray for me.  We were not always as close as we are today.  Loss has bonded us but more than that, so has Jesus.  I was raised in a house full of boys and to be truthful I didn't really like being around girls.  Often they hurt one another but boys punch you and their over the argument in two seconds.  That's what I like.  Less feeling, more forgiveness.  But I have found comfort in having someone I can trust that loves my family and who has become vital to the fabric of the next generation.  She is a good wife and a great mother but more importantly, she loves Christ with all her heart.

For the last couple of weeks she has been sending me devotional messages over the iPhone.  They have brought me comfort, encouragement and a sense that I'm not alone.  I'm part of an army of warriors that hear the call and proclaim the name of Jesus.  Thank You Jesus for always having my back!  He does for you too.  When people say, "You've been on my mind lately."  Do you think that's a coincidence.  No, it is the Holy Spirit calling to others to pray for you.  Why?  Because God gave us people like-minded to have sensitivity to the needs of His chosen.  We may be pressed on all sides but we have people that love us and with all they have, they give.  I'm blessed to have women in my life that are like this and I know you are too.  How do I know?  Because even though I have never seen your face or talked to you, Jesus calls me to pray for you and to write these words so that you too will not feel alone.  We are one, sisters in arm, carrying the cross for the next generation.

If you aren't blessed with women that love you the way I've described, reach out to me and I promise I will pray for you.  This blog is written because Jesus placed it in my heart to carry the cross to the Nations and to love women of all races, colors, religions and nationalities.  I am dedicated to be a sister that encourages the masses and brings Jesus into the homes of women everywhere.  I pray today your heart is geared towards humming and that your mind is fixed on Jesus.  Be well and know I am here.

Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. (Hebrews 13:1 NIV)
In Jesus Name, AMEN!

Until tomorrow...

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