Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 24, 2012

Last week, my youngest son's teammate, lost his mother.  She was only 37 years old.  Death comes so quickly and for most, we lose those we love suddenly.  To be young and not to have a mother, the thought of it's more than I can bear.  Luckily, I didn't have to experience the loss of my mother until later on in life, but no matter when it happens, the loss is significant.

I have thought a lot about this family and what they now face.  School is still in session and life will go on, but for those four kids, life changed and will never be the same again.  What does a mother bring to her children?  She brings stability, compassion, nurturing, love, endurance and passion.  And when she leaves this earth, we are left with only those memories to sustain us.

It's natural for us to move away from our parents.  To become our own people with our own values, feelings, and direction.  But when we're young, it's hard enough to know which path to choose.  The bible talks about the widows and orphans.  In this situation, there is a father left to raise four young people.  Three of them are teenagers and one almost there.  The difficulties will be numerous but if we all ban together and pray for them; God can and will heal this family.

I don't know what it's like to face life without a mother so young, but I do know what it's like to face my loss now.  Sometimes you wish you could pick up the phone and share a story but then you realize there won't be anyone to hear you.  If you know of a family that has lost a mother, wife, father, or husband, please take time to pray for them today.  Take time to do something thoughtful for them, something unexpected that will show the hand of Christ.  Give them your time, your servanthood, and your love, they will definitely need it.

There is no better time to show the hand of God than in tragedy and loss.  The young are looking toward us to show them that there is hope beyond their loss and so are the adults.  We need to be ready to share Christ and to let them know that they are far from alone.  My heart goes out to this family and any family that has lost a loved one.  Hopefully, those that have passed on knew Christ and we can one day see them again.  If not, the alternative is quite devastating.

Once again, I am reminded that there is no time like the present to share the message of our Savior.  Reach out to the lost, the brokenhearted and the widowers.  They need us and Christ needs us to be His hands and voice.  Let's show the love Christ died for today!  We don't want to ever miss an opportunity to spread the love and mercy our Savior gave His life for.  The race is on, let's win it!

1 Timothy 5: 16  NKJV:

     If any believing man or woman has widows, let them relieve them, and do not let the church be burdened, that it may relieve those who are really widows.

James 1:27 NKJV:

     Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this:  to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

We need to have at the forefront of our minds that we are here to serve others.  Our spot on this earth is not just so we can take care of our family but it's to pray and serve God's chosen people.  I hope today that we will always help those in need and recognize when Christ is calling!

My prayer today:

Lord, we come to You praying for the widowers and children.  All over the world men and women are dying for what they believe.  Children are losing their parents through war and illness.  They need You and the love You have for them.  Let us be Your messengers.  Give us the ability to show compassion to the lost and hopeless.  We ask that You would give us a heart for those that have lost loved ones and that we would pray and serve those around us that are in need.  We aren't You but we need You to provide wisdom and mercy, as we minister to the brokenhearted.  Thank You for loving us and for showing us every day how much You love Your people.  I lift up this family to You and ask that You would guide them through the darkness.  We know that they are feeling lost but we ask that You give them strength and mercy as they face this great tragedy.  Please lift up all the widowers on eagles wings so that they can take care of Your treasures.  During this loss, we know that You can feel their pain.  Help us to feel it too and to provide encouragement and love whenever necessary.  We thank You for the power of the Cross and for the sacrifice You made.  Unite us in prayer and petition for the lost, the hurt, the brokenhearted and Lord, especially for the children.  May our service be for Your glory! AMEN

Until tomorrow...

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