Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hear our prayer Lord...

Good morning my sisters-

Already this morning my heart feels light and full of joy.  I slept in this morning, sent Scripture to my boss and thought about prayer.  It has been on my mind a lot lately.  Prayer is powerful, it rejuvenates the soul and brings us closer to our Father.  It changes our hearts and minds and brings peace as we subject ourselves unto The Lord.   You could say its the fabric of being a Christian.

I know that some are skeptics about prayer.  And for some prayer does not come easy.  They feel like they should never pray for themselves and yet, David, Abraham, Daniel and others prayed to The Lord for wisdom, strength, courage, and peace.  How do you find true North?  By prayer and petition unto The Lord.  My journey with God came through prayer.  I can remember being five years old and praying.  I had gone to church with my grandmother but when I was five, she passed away.  My mom was sad and couldn't face going into a church.  I can remember sitting on the basement stairs asking God to make me feel less sad.  As I grew, I often said the Lord's Prayer.  My grandmother had taught me it and I prayed it often.  When I was about eight my mom let me go to a summer Bible school and I loved it and there they talked about Jesus, His love and His desire that we pray to Him and so I did.

Throughout my life, prayer has been a staple.  I have prayed in great anguish, I have prayed in times of great joy and now, I pray for Nations to hear the name of Jesus.  I used to pray just for wisdom or direction and today, I still do that but my commission became much greater when God called me to pray for women all over the world.   I may not know you, you may never reach out to me but God does and He wants us all to pray for one another.  Our journey's are similar, our sorrows, triumphs and defeats don't change just because I live in the US and you live in China, Russia, Syria or Nigeria. The call is for every one to bow to Jesus and we are, right ladies!

In the next few weeks, I will be sending a package to Nigeria with a cargo more precious than gold.  It will contain something that we can buy in the US at a click of a button.  We have it on our phones and as apps on our iPad.  It's a resource that we take for granted but in other countries its more valuable than money.  Can you guess?  It's the mighty Word of God.  It's strange how what we take for granted here in my country is so precious a half a world away.  My goal is to pray over each of these Bibles before they are sent and ask that Jesus and His word would conquer many women, men and children in Nigeria.  This simple request is something I have prayed about for the last two years.  I want to know God's women, I want to be part of His great commission and I want to do what He has asked of me, which is to preach the Word to many Nations.  Do I feel up to the challenge?  Not really but I know that through prayer, God can direct my path and help me be His woman.  This is not for my glory but for His.  To the women of Nigeria, I pray that the word of God would reign and that women from every corner of the globe will come to know Jesus.  May you be faithful in the fight and may God bless you and keep you all your days.  Be strong and pray that with each Scripture taught one will come to know His name!

Be blessed my sisters and know that I love you.  The King is looking upon the earth, calling one by one His soldiers, please take up the cross, gather the troops and pray for His faithfulness on our lands.  He is the mighty warrior, our Savior, His shield is our protection and His light is for anyone willing to hear His call.

then from heaven, your dwelling place, hear their prayer and their plea, and uphold their cause. (1 Kings 8:49 NIV)

My prayer:

O, dear Lord, come to the people and give them direction and a heart for your Word.  Through prayer and supplication heal the hurting, strengthen the weak, and give courage to the fearful.  Your Word is our sword, sharp and ready to penetrate the strongest of hearts.  Give us a word to follow and a heart that yearns for Your presence.  I know You hear my prayers and often I know when they have been answered.  Millions of petitions are coming to You from all corners of this World.  Lead women to You, make them strong in You so that they may carry the sword to the Nations.  I am praying for those that are being faithful and are hearing your call.  Bring them to You Lord and help them spread Your Word.

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