Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 22, 2013

Good morning all-

I have a few minutes before my life becomes chaotic again so I just wanted to say Hi!  I hope you woke up today praising our Lord and Father.  I did!  He is my sunshine and coffee all in one and if you read this blog regularly you know I can't function without either.

This week I have been challenged to live my faith and to do right by my company and the people that work for me. The tasks at hand have not been easy but I think I am pulling them off.  I had to write up an employee for a dishonest act and it was the hardest thing I have ever done.  She tried to get out of it with words but there were no words.

Have you ever been in that situation?  I'm sure you have.  It's not easy to confront someone that believes what they did was right.  I often think I am doing the right thing but what if I'm not?  That's a question that haunts me over and over again.  I think my son said it all yesterday, "I'm just going to give it to God and see what He does?  How I wish I could live my life in that space.

I love the Lord with all my heart and I love being apart of His army.  I hope that someday He will tell me that I made it faithfully.  I hope I continue to work to be His and that as I grow each day, He is smiling down.

I'm sorry this is so brief but school started this year and my work life has gotten so busy.  I try to spend a little time with my son because I don't have much time left.  Praise Jesus today, not for what He has given to you but for what He sacrificed instead.

Be well my sisters.  I'm sorry for the dry spell.  I have been working 12-14 hour days and I'm very tired.  Pray that God would give me time to write this blog and to be with you all on a more regular basis.  I'm praying for all of you.  May God's glory and grace shine down on this world!

Galatians 1:5 NIV

      to whom be glory for ever and ever. AMEN

Psalm 66:2 NIV

      Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious.

My prayer today:

May the Lord of light shine down on this earth and move through mankind like a thief within the night. I'm praying for a revival, not just in the US but all over the world.  I call upon the saints that have witnessed and know Your name to pray for those that don't.  Make us bold in the light and not just in the darkness and give us wisdom to conquer the fears of the masses.  You are the only way, the truth, the light, rain down on us today!  In Jesus name, AMEN

Until tomorrow...

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