Saturday, August 3, 2013

August 3, 2013

Good morning all-

I don't know about you but time is flying. I have definitely been put through my paces.  It seems like there are challenges for everyone and if we look down for one minute we will lose focus on what's true.

Jesus Christ is real!  That doesn't mean our lives will be easy.  His wasn't but when He left this earth He promised to come back.  He gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us and He provides wisdom when we seek it.

I have really been thinking about that lately.  I left an easy job to come to the company I'm now at.  For what?  I wanted challenge and to be able to see an organization grow.  During the last 120 days I have let someone go, hired two new people, watch my boss fall apart because our competition is trying to take us out and won a huge deal.  Believe me I have questioned my sanity but then I always come back to the same place; does Christ exist and do I have a purpose?  Of course my answer is yes!  Now that doesn't mean I understand what He's doing in my life, it just provides me security knowing He is near.

Like I've said before, I'm not perfect and I have challenges. I wake up in the middle of the night or really early just like I did today.  My mind is thinking about every problem and trying to get direction from God, that's the key though, I'm seeking Christ.  I have too.  He is as vital to my survival as food and water.  I've thought many times this week I know why people drink a lot, especially executives.  It's hard to build a company and ther are many more stresses than one would think.  But then I look at Christ and remember He is building an army with stubborn, sinful people and I have to laugh about my circumstances because they  just don't  compare.

I find comfort in knowing I'm the least of these.  I get why Paul wrote that and was so humble.  He was a brilliant man with ambitions similar to those of men today.  He believed He was right when He persecuted Christians and then one day He saw the light and it forever changed Him.  How does a man humble himself?  He identifies that Christ is the way and then watches Him as He works.

That's where I'm at today.  The enemy is on my door.  I don't have a lock down strategy to stay alive against my competitors but I do have Jesus and as long as I call on Him, He will right my path. Think about this as you go into your week.  This just doesn't pertain to working women; it pertains to all women.  Warriors are born and are given the gift of wisdom and power through Jesus Christ.

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