Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6, 2013

Good morning everyone-

I hope today finds you well.  I've been trying to write on my iPad and I just realized I lost some of my last post.  Oh, well, I guess that's what's good about being able to write anywhere.  I've been thinking a lot about God lately.  What did He mean when He said to wait upon Him? Why are there starving people in this world?  Why do we need to have war?  And what is our purpose?  We keep screwing everything up and it has been going on for centuries.  So why do we continue to go on?

I'm sure you have asked yourself these questions.  They are a common theme not just in the Christian world but also in the secular world.  How do you think war starts, suicide happens, and atrocities of unimaginable things happen to humans?  They happen because our world has fallen and yet, God has not chosen to return for His people.  Instead, He reigns over us and many have forgotten to wait upon Him.  Even I, from time to time, get caught up in this world and not the things that are of Him.  I'm human just like you and no matter how much I love our God, I fall.  Writing it doesn't make me very happy but it's the truth.

Like you, I get caught up in my day to day things but every once in awhile I look up and see Christ in all His majesty.  I wonder what He thinks of me and of this world that has continued to persecute Him and let Him down.  Others may follow a so called god but we follow the only one with mercy, forgiveness, understanding and love.  Why else would we still be here?  If I were God, I'd probably crush this land.  We really don't do very good things and we constantly cause headaches and we're selfish, self-absorbed, and overall very sinful people.  And yet, we have a God that has pursued us, cherished us and has forgiven us, just writing this makes me pause and thank the Lord for all He has done for me.

I'm sure your life is full of the same chaos as mine. I'm sure you wish life would slow down so that you can breathe and I'm confident that every once in awhile you think about Christ and thank Him but I want to encourage you to put Christ at the beginning of your day and not at the end.  He deserves for all of us to put Him first, even in the face of great adversity.  I'm not always good at this either.  As my job has gotten busier and full of responsibility this blog has taken a toll but every morning I do think about Christ and what He means to me.  He is the most important part of my morning right along with that first cup of coffee.  What would I have ever done without coffee?  Anyway, I hope this encourages you to sit down and thank Him for today, pray for the less fortunate and love those around you.  There are countries where young people are starving and men and women are homeless, let's be the light that Christ asks us to be and bring Him to them through prayer and giving.

May God be with You today my sisters as you seek Him.  He is near and ready to hear from you.  Be a light among the darkness and surrender your will unto His.  He waits patiently, like a good shepherd, gently calling to move you toward safety.  Take His hand today and let Him guide you.

James 5:8 NIV:

     You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near.

Colossians 2:9-10 NIV:

     For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.  He is the head over every power and authority.

My prayer today:

O, Lord thank You for the wonder of You.  I come to You today a mere human asking You to be with me in my daily life.  Take my hand and walk with me through the desert and remind me of who You are.  Lead me by still waters as I approach the swelling sea and guide me toward Your mighty hand.  There are many problems all around the world and they stem from human selfishness, evil and lack of forgiveness. Take our agendas away and let us see what You see.  Give us the wisdom to pray for our fellow man, to reach out across the sea to other countries and to other people groups.  We are Yours to do Your will, make us great leaders, mothers, and mentors so that we can fulfill our purpose here on earth.  Bring us to the brokenhearted, the lost and the lonely.  Feed us daily with Your grace and power and make us women that love You more.  We come today on bended knee, thanking You for saving us.  We don't deserve Your love but we have it and we are blessed.  By the power of the Holy Spirit I pray this prayer in Jesus Name.

Until tomorrow....

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